(Apr, 2016) PERC is pleased to announce the publication of the Phase 2.1 supplemental report on the drainline transport of solid waste in building drains. The Phase 2.1 report details the findings from additional work the Coalition was able to conduct using remaining funds carried over from the PERC 2.0 research study.
(Sept. 2015) PERC releases the The Drainline Transport of Solid Waste in Buildings – Phase 2.0 report.
(Nov, 2012) The Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition (PERC) is pleased to announce that the long-anticipated study, The Drainline Transport of Solid Waste in Buildings, has been released and is now available.
- Drainline Transport of Solid Waste in Buildings Phase 1 (PDF)
- Drainline Transport Study Data File (XLS)
- Drainline Transport Study Raw Data
- FAQ’s
(Dec, 2011) An important study on Building Drainline Blockages is just short of funding it needs to move forward. Click the below link more information, and to find out how to support the project.
(Sept, 2011) Test Plan Proposal to Investigate Drainline Transport in Buildings. PERC seeks funding to conduct scientific research to determine the effect of reduced flows into our domestic and commercial plumbing systems. Due to the complexity associated with the number of variables in “real world” plumbing systems, we believe that a multi–factorial designed experiment is required to properly measure the impact of the toilet fixture toward drainline transport relative to other plumbing system variables, such as pitch, and flush volume.
- Final Plan Proposal (PDF)